福瑞森为您提供简洁、大方、推拉灵活的重型推拉门、折叠门! 铝木共生AN808折叠门: 1.门扇折叠时,垂直于同一条线上,简洁明快,能**全开启,全面通风、视野广阔。 when the folding of the doors , the same line perpendicular to the light and breezy, can be ** wide open,full ventilation, broad vision. 2.门框、门扇全部采用45度接角,牢固安全、美观大方。 Door frames、door leaf full 45 degree angle,solid security,beautiful appearance. 3.配置5mm+27A+5mm中空钢化玻璃,可内置手动或智能百叶系统,减低声波共振效应,具有良好的隔音效果。 configuration 5mm+27A+5mm hollow tempered glass,built-in manual or intelligent louver system to reduce the effect of acoustic resonance, has a good sound insulation. 欢迎来电咨询:肖经理